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Planetary Transit Calendar

Keep track of celestial goings-on with these handy Google Calendars of current daily transits with thought-provoking mini-descriptions. You can use transits and Moon phase periods to focus your mind on intentions, meditations, and dream manifestation. Both Planetary and Lunar calendars are set for Pacific Time, Western Tropical Zodiac. The Planetary Calendar includes the Sun through Pluto, Chiron, major asteroids, eclipses, Moon ingresses, Moon Apogee and Perigee, and major aspects.

Add the Planetary Calendar to your Google calendar by clicking the plus sign at the bottom right of the calendar window, or download the ICS file and import it into iCal, Outlook, or any calendar app. Transits are current until April 2026.

Lunar Transit Calendar

Lunar transits occur so frequently that they can overwhelm the calendar view, so they are broken out into their own calendar. Toggle between Planetary and Lunar Calendars as needed – or import the Calendars into your own setup for a unified view.

Add the Lunar Transit Calendar to your Google calendar by clicking the plus sign at the bottom right of the calendar window, or download the ICS file and import it into iCal, Outlook, or any calendar app. Transits are current until April 2026.

Data and interpretations provided by Astro Gold then cleaned up using TextMate and imported into Google Calendar.

planetary Bodies Included

Planet Theme Rulership
Moon Emotions, past conditioning, security needs Cancer
Mercury Mind, intellect, communication Gemini and Virgo
Venus Relationships, what you value, harmony Taurus and Libra
Mars Desire, direction of action, courage Aries and Scorpio
Jupiter Faith in life, meaning, ideals, social opportunity Sagittarius (and Pisces traditionally)
Saturn Limitation, lessons to learn, structure, discipline Capricorn (and Aquarius traditionally)
Uranus Freedom, rebellion, liberation, inspiration Aquarius
Neptune Illusions, dreams, spiritual ideals and merging Pisces
Pluto Power, control, death and rebirth, transformation Scorpio
Chiron The wounds you heal through compassion Possibly Virgo*

* Chiron is a minor planet in the outer Solar System, orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. It was discovered in 1977 and identified as member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs—bodies orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt. Astrologers are still debating the meaning and rulership of Chiron.

Aspects Included

Aspect Degree Meaning
Conjunction 0 Degrees The beginning of a new cycle, new potential, merging of energy, unification intensification
Sextile 60 Degrees Cooperation, productive work, agreement, active focus, first draft, practical application, development of skill and techniques, instinctive talent
Square 90 Degrees Crisis, building, construction, road blocks, friction, heaving lifting phase, competing objectives, the need to synthesize solutions, stress, concrete form, action, confrontation, fixed positions
Trine 120 Degrees Harmonious cooperation, highly productive work, flow, in the zone, momentum, understanding, expansion of consciousness, growth, perseverance, gifts and abilities
Quincunx 150 Degrees Adjustment leads to perfection, error-correction after high-productivity phase, clarification, maturity, focused blending
Opposition 180 Degrees Awareness, objective manifestation, clear vision, results actualization, re-polarization, conflict, tension, confrontation, culmination

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